Speech Therapy Adelaide: Speech Therapy Techniques

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Speech therapy techniques can assist those suffering from stuttering, brain injuries or conditions like aphasia – conditions which affect how people speak, listen, read and write. These speech disorders may interfere with normal functions like speaking, listening, reading and writing a person may undertake.

This speech therapy techniques Adelaide requires patients to develop scripts that they can use in daily conversations and then practice these scripts to gradually overcome any fears associated with speaking in certain environments.


No matter if speech problems were inherited from birth or have arisen due to medical conditions like Parkinson’s, stroke, hearing loss or head trauma; there are ways of improving the situation. A certified speech-language pathologist (SLP) can evaluate symptoms and create a customised treatment plan.

Exercises are a key element of therapy. Therapists will instruct you in techniques you can practice at home, such as articulation therapy, language intervention and fluency techniques. They can also help overcome swallowing disorders caused by injury, neurological conditions or simply age.

Articulation therapy entails having your articulator model the correct sounds and syllables, using games to keep you engaged, such as bean bag toss where each time you toss the bean bag you say one of your target sounds.

Therapists may use exercises that help increase your voice volume. For instance, they might ask you to pucker up your lips as though you were eating marshmallows, then relax them again before repeating this exercise with increased volume. Sometimes they’ll also suggest practicing specific sounds in front of a mirror so you can observe and evaluate results.


Speech-language pathologists employ various strategies to address various articulation disorders. While some approaches involve drilling, others take an alternative route – play therapy is becoming increasingly popular as its engaging methods provide plenty of practice opportunities and are captivating to audiences.

Speech therapy techniques Adelaide typically employed drill and practice strategies at the sound level to help children become better at producing target sounds in unstructured contexts, such as conversations. This strategy was known as generalisation and maintenance.

During isolation drills, the speech-language pathologist models a target sound and has the child repeat it multiple times until it can be produced accurately with good shaping. Once this sound has been achieved, then speech-language pathology moves on to word, sentence and narrative tasks (i.e. stories).


Speech therapists rely on routines to help children practice their new skills at home, including providing them with activities such as playing peek-a-boo or cars that keep toddlers engaged while practicing new abilities. SLPs may also include games with multiple choice such as bean bag toss for more opportunities to practice communication.

Individuals with weak or stiff oral motor muscles can benefit from routines that teach them how to manipulate their tongue, lips, and mouth for improved sound production. This includes exercises like facial massages, blowing, sucking, chewing and biting as well as different textures and temperatures of foods to strengthen muscle tone.

Speech therapy techniques Adelaide features fluency therapy or articulation therapy for those having trouble pronouncing certain sounds is another area in which speech language pathologists specialise. They utilise techniques such as prolongation, modified airflow and lilypad techniques to assist individuals who struggle with rhythm, continuity, or flow issues in their speech.


Speech-language pathologists frequently have their clients practice self-feedback during sessions. This helps clients recognise when there are mistakes in their speech and correct them on their own – something which could prove invaluable when facing many speaking situations such as interviews, meetings, and presentations at once in work environments.

SLPs often employ modelling, drilling and other behavioural approaches during articulation therapy sessions to address articulation disorders. Visual cues like mirrors or tongue models may also help improve them.

Feedback is one of the most effective speech therapy techniques. It provides information and motivation for improving a person’s performance, serving as both motivation and reward. Feedback may come from friends or family as well as directly from clients themselves; SLPs should strive to offer both positive and negative feedback at appropriate moments and contexts.

Repetition and drills are among the most widely utilised speech therapy techniques Adelaide. When combined with other strategies like recasting and self-talk, repetition and drills can provide invaluable support. Other techniques used for therapy may include phonological awareness training, visual cues or even articulation therapy for children – which may also help treat speech disorders like stuttering and lisps, as well as being effective against apraxia.
