Advantages Of An Implant Dentist To Replace Missing Teeth

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Dental implants are an excellent choice for those who need a permanent solution for missing teeth. Implants have several advantages, including their ease of maintenance and ability to replace a full set of teeth. Additionally, they last longer than other dental solutions, such as bridges and dentures. Here are a few advantages of choosing an implant dentist to replace missing teeth. Read on to learn more about the benefits of dental implants.

Dental Implants are a Permanent Solution for Missing Teeth

A dental implant is an excellent permanent solution for missing teeth. Implants look and feel like your natural teeth, and they can support a bridge or a denture. Unlike other temporary solutions, dental implants can last for a lifetime if you practice good oral hygiene. Because they look and feel like natural teeth, you won’t even know that you have dental implants. Dental implants are an excellent option for those who want to restore their smile and self-confidence without the need for removable partial dentures.

After undergoing the procedure, you should expect some tenderness and dull pain. You can take ibuprofen to relieve any discomfort. After the procedure, you can resume your normal activities. You should eat a soft diet for a few days and clean the placement site. The area around the implant will need special care to heal properly. Do not grind your teeth or use other substances that could cause damage to the implant.

They are Easier to Maintain Than Bridges

Although they may look the same, dental bridges and implants are very different. A bridge replaces a tooth, while an implant is an individual replacement. A dental bridge requires the preparation of the two adjacent teeth, which the implant dentist connects with fake teeth. Dental bridges are more durable than implants, but dental professionals do not recommend dental bridges for patients with large fillings or teeth with the potential for crowns. A dental implant can also be easier to care for, but it may require a bone graft.

Another benefit of dental implants is that they require little to no maintenance. As a result, they do not cause gum disease or decay, and patients can clean easily. In addition, you can floss easily between implants, unlike fixed bridges, which require a floss threader. Implants are also immune to many of the same problems that natural teeth have, such as fractures, gum disease, and root canal treatments. Furthermore, manufacturers make dental implants from titanium, performing the same function like natural teeth.

They Can Restore an Entire Upper or Lower Set of Teeth

Dental implants are the most advanced tooth replacement method. They are a permanent replacement for a complete set of teeth, which an implant dentist can restore in just a single visit. Dental implants can be placed in your mouth’s upper or lower arch, depending on your gums and jawbone. They need a minimal amount of bone for proper implantation. However, some patients have an extensive bone loss because they lost their teeth many years ago or have advanced periodontal disease. Your dentist may use bone grafting techniques to build the necessary bone if this is the case.

Dental implants can last for many years. However, there are certain risks associated with this procedure. For example, bone density may not be adequate, or the implant may not take. Other factors that may affect implant integration include smoking and nutrition. If the implant fails, your dentist will remove it and place a new one, bigger and longer. Fortunately, dental implants are friendly to the gums and bone, and a high success rate means that you can have a beautiful smile again.

They are a Longer-term Solution Than Dentures

If you miss a tooth or teeth, you may consider dental implants or dentures. Both options are great for replacing missing teeth but have distinct advantages and disadvantages. In addition to cost, implants are more permanent and do not require maintenance or refitting. However, implant patients may benefit from additional consultations before deciding on a particular treatment. Implants also offer more aesthetic benefits, as the replacement teeth are nearly identical to natural teeth.

While dentures are inexpensive and convenient, they do have some drawbacks. For example, you need to clean and take care of dentures regularly and soak them in specific solutions to prevent them from yellowing. Furthermore, dentures may fall out or shift around while talking or eating. They can also lead to bone loss. On the other hand, implants stimulate the bone in the jaw and are more likely to last for twenty to thirty years. Plus, they look like regular teeth.

Dental implants are a popular option for people looking for a replacement for missing teeth. Dental implants are relatively permanent and can last for a lifetime. They are also an excellent and natural-looking option for restoring your smile. Contact an implant dentist for an exam and consultation to determine whether you are a candidate for dental implants.
