6 ways to protect your empty house

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There are numerous different reasons why you may have to leave a house unoccupied for an extended period of time.

You could be in the process of moving house, having moved out whilst renovation is being carried out, or simply be away on an extended holiday.

Whatever the reason, it is essential that you are prepared for any potential emergency situation that could arise whilst you are away.

By preparing your property for a period of vacancy in advance you will significantly reduce the risk of crime or property damage taking place.

It is important to note that if you are away for more than 30 days your insurance policy may be invalid so contact your provider and check if they offer unoccupied home insurance.

Here are 6 of our top tips for vacant property security:

1. Conduct thorough checks

After investing time and money into installing a top-of-the-range security system, the last thing you need is for it to be compromised as a result of human error.

Before leaving your house, take care to do a full inspection of the property to make sure it is as secure as possible.

These checks should include making sure that all doors and windows are securely locked and that your alarms are primed and set.

Remove as many valuable items from within sight of windows as possible to make your home a less attractive target and make sure that any spare keys left outside are removed (leaving keys in obvious spots such as underneath flowerpots is a bad idea in general and should be avoided).

2. Keep the property maintained

Just because no-one is permanently living in your house at the time, doesn’t mean that you should neglect to maintain the property at all.

If you are unable to visit on a regular basis, have a trusted individual pop in every so often to check that nothing is amiss.

These visits will not only give you peace of mind that all is well but will also create the impression of ongoing activity and make the property appear occupied to criminals.

When visiting the property, the common signs of a vacant property should be resolved. This could include removing post, so it doesn’t pile up and trimming the shrubbery in your garden to prevent it becoming overgrown.

Regular check-ups allow you to plan ahead and fix any damage or potential issue before they become more serious problems.

3. Turn off utilities

The last thing you need whilst you’re away is to end up facing large bills for utilities that you haven’t even used.

Make sure to turn off all your utilities to reduce the risk of a large loss building up and reduce the risk of a burst pipe or electrical fire.

REMEMBER – During the winter months ensure to programme your heating system to maintain a certain temperature to prevent the water in your pipes from freezing and increasing the chances that they will burst.

4. Take Advantage of Smart Technology

Thanks to the joys of modern technology, you will never need to fully disconnect from your house no matter how far away you have travelled.

Home CCTV systems, for example, can be accessed via your smartphone or similar mobile device from anywhere in the world allowing you to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity from afar.

There are also leak detection devices that can be installed to alert you to any burst pipes or flooding inside the property. These will automatically alert you to any emergency situations and allow you to have the issue resolved before too much damage can be done.

The most advanced of these will also alert you when the temperature of the water in your pipes falls below what is recommended.

5. Remember Lighting

A dark house, both inside and out, is an open invitation for a burglar, making it clear that the property is unoccupied and there is little chance of them being disturbed.

Installing a timer activated light inside your property is a great way to mimic the signs of ongoing activity, whilst a motion-activated external light will surprise those approaching your property at night, hopefully scaring away intruders attempting to approach in a stealthy manner.

6. Ask your neighbours to help

Being friendly with your neighbours is invaluable when you are away from home adding several pairs of extra eyes keeping a look out for any suspicious activity.

You could even ask a neighbour if they wouldn’t mind parking their car on your driveway or outside on the street whilst you are away to give the impression that someone is home or give a trusted individual a spare key so they can access your home periodically to make sure all is well.
